Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tense, Nervous, EXCITED

The servers have just gone down for a 12 hour major patch. We have said goodbye to our well thought out talent tree and (shadow) stepped into the unknown.

I feel confident we can use the new system to create what we want although I think Sis is a bit concerned, although knowing her as I do, she will have hundreds of options thought out ready to overwhelm me with :-)

See you on the other side :-))

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Levels 30-40

Time flys now.  The jungle is our favorite place now but we have also traveled to Arathi Highlands, Alterac Mountains, the Scarlet Monestary, Desolace, and Stonetalon Mountains.  PvP gear has all been upgraded but, damnit, still no descent helm!

We won't mention the very very terrible event that happened to Rivíera yesterday!

Someone called us the twins of death.  Hehehehe.. I liked that.

A little PvP fun today vs. a 45 Pally named Locolarry:

Welcome to the Jungle: